The Breakneck Dilution of Brazilian Electoral Law

The Breakneck Dilution of Brazilian Electoral Law

In the midst of all of Bolsonaro’s bombast and bluster this past month, it has been easy to get distracted from other pressing issues. The past few years have brought a number of statutory rollbacks of anticorruption legislation in Brasília. But the brazenness with which a permissive new electoral code...
Reflections on Bolsonaro’s Brazil

Reflections on Bolsonaro’s Brazil

In case you missed it, American University's AULA Blog has posted two good reflections on Bolsonaro's Brazil in recent days: Ingrid Fontes, a senior at American University, writes about the Bolsonaro administration’s devastatingly incompetent response to the pandemic, showing Brazil’s comparatively high death rate and low vaccination rate, as well...
Reshaping the meaning of politics

Reshaping the meaning of politics

Brazil’s political turbulence remains difficult to fully comprehend, in part because of the enormous concussive shock with which the seemingly golden years of pre-salt oil and commodity-driven prosperity suddenly met a grim sequence of protest, impeachment, and scandal. Scholarship has been challenged by the historical contingency of the unprecedented, fluid...
Discussing Legislative Effectiveness with Rodrigo Maia

Discussing Legislative Effectiveness with Rodrigo Maia

CLALS Research Fellow Beatriz Rey recently discussed the issue of legislative effectiveness in Brazil's Chamber of Deputies with former speaker Rodrigo Maia. In the conversation, Rey and Maia delve into the conditions that foster bill sponsors' and rapporteurs' ability to move their agenda items through the legislative process and into...
“The Organization”: Corruption and Business

“The Organization”: Corruption and Business

This weekend I finished Malu Gaspar’s definitive history of the Odebrecht case (A Organização: A Odebrecht e o esquema de corrupção que chocou o mundo; Companhia das Letras 2020). While not an academic book, it offers an insightful and page-turning perspective on the evolution of business-state relations in Brazil over...
Elite quality and development

Elite quality and development

The Elite Quality Report 2020 claims to be the “first ever international measurement of elite quality,” aiming to distinguish between elites who are high-quality value creators and elites who are low-quality value extractors.   For readers of this blog, the report will be of interest because it finds the BRIS countries clustered in...