The Rise of the PCC

The Rise of the PCC

This month, the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS) and InSight Crime published a comprehensive report on the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which has grown from 8 members in 1993 to a transnational criminal organization totaling more than 30 thousand members today. Together with the report, InSight...
Climate Change and Internal Migration in Brazil

Climate Change and Internal Migration in Brazil

With apologies for the delay, here are the slides from Professor Claire Brunel's October 19 presentation on climate change and internal migration. EnvMigBrazil_AU_Oct20Download Key takeaway: A 10% increase in air temperature is associated with an 8.8% increase in migrant flows, controlling for road infrastructure and a variety of other factors....
Seminar on Corruption and campaign finance

Seminar on Corruption and campaign finance

AU professor Matthew Taylor will be commenting at this seminar at the University of São Paulo organized by USP professor Wagner Mancuso. Papers will discuss the empirical investigation of corruption cases, Odebrecht and campaign finance violations, the judicialization of electoral competition and popular narratives about corruption. Open to the public...
National violence data

National violence data

As usual, there is lots of valuable data and analysis of crime in this year’s Atlas da Violência, published by IPEA in conjunction with the Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, with data through 2018. The report highlights that homicides have begun declining back to 2011 levels. While this is of course good news,...
The horror of youth homicides

The horror of youth homicides

The post below is mirrored from our companion site, the AULABlog. It was co-authored by Beatriz Rey, a CLALS Research Fellow from Brazil and contributor to this blog. Gun-related violence against Brazilian children and teenagers has been alarmingly high for years – rising to 9,818 in 2017 and 8,253 in 2018 –...