You are invited to join the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies for part two of the Legislative Effectiveness in Latin America workshop series on November 16, 2020, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm EST. The event will compare legislative processes in the United States with those found in Latin America. The workshop will give Latin American scholars the opportunity to better understand the challenges unique to the region. It will also provide American politics scholars with a comparative perspective with which to refine theories of legislative behavior. The event will include presentations from: Andrew Ballard, Assistant Professor, Department of Government, American University Erinn Lauterbach, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Effective Lawmaking Craig Volden, Co-Director, Center for Effective Lawmaking; Professor of Public Policy and Politics, University of Virginia Alan Wiseman, Co-Director, Center for Effective Lawmaking; Professor of Political Science and Law, Vanderbilt University Presentations will be followed by an open discussion. Register for the online event. You can also view a recording of the first workshop. |
Posted inPolitics
Event: Legislative Effectiveness Workshop (Nov. 16)