Confronting Latin America’s Diplomatic Decline

Confronting Latin America’s Diplomatic Decline

In a pair of stimulating recent articles in Foreign Policy and Nueva Sociedad, Andrés Malamud and Luis Schenoni discuss the declining relevance of the Latin American region to geopolitics.  Given their focus on regional trends, the articles are understandably low on specifics about particular countries and specific foreign policy choices. But the Nueva Sociedad article...
“The Organization”: Corruption and Business

“The Organization”: Corruption and Business

This weekend I finished Malu Gaspar’s definitive history of the Odebrecht case (A Organização: A Odebrecht e o esquema de corrupção que chocou o mundo; Companhia das Letras 2020). While not an academic book, it offers an insightful and page-turning perspective on the evolution of business-state relations in Brazil over...
Elite quality and development

Elite quality and development

The Elite Quality Report 2020 claims to be the “first ever international measurement of elite quality,” aiming to distinguish between elites who are high-quality value creators and elites who are low-quality value extractors.   For readers of this blog, the report will be of interest because it finds the BRIS countries clustered in...
Assorted Links: Crime and Corruption

Assorted Links: Crime and Corruption

The next few posts will highlight some of the interesting Brazil-related research that crossed our desks in the last quarter of 2020. This post focuses on five recent works on crime and corruption. Juan Albarracín and Nicholas Barnes begin their review essay on criminal organizations in the Latin American Research Review with shocking...
The Rise of the PCC

The Rise of the PCC

This month, the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS) and InSight Crime published a comprehensive report on the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which has grown from 8 members in 1993 to a transnational criminal organization totaling more than 30 thousand members today. Together with the report, InSight...